i4 Ops Contest Terms & Conditions

1. Contest Entry

1.1 To participate in the contest, prospective contestants must complete the above registration form.

1.2 The primary objective of this contest is to encourage product testing, solicit feedback, and identify potential data exfiltration vulnerabilities. Contestants who successfully identify exfiltration methods are required to disclose such findings to i4 Ops.

2. Product Trial

2.1 Upon registration, each contestant will be granted the option to deploy the i4 Zero Exfil product within their own environment for a period of up to 45 days. Expiration will be 45 days from the completion of the contest.  

2.2 The trial deployment shall provide protection for up to 500GB of data in a data science or analogous environment.

2.3 The virtual machine (VM) utilized for the trial will be subject to a 45-day expiration, with appropriate notifications provided prior to termination.

2.4 i4 Ops shall not have access to or retain any content stored within the VM. Data within the VM will not be deleted upon trial expiration.

2.5 i4 Zero Exfil will record usage details, excluding any personally identifiable information (PII) or content-related data. A basic log file will be transmitted to i4 Ops during the trial period. A sample log file can be provided upon request following registration.

3. Contest Rewards and Continuation

3.1 The first contestant to successfully exfiltrate the Silver Snitch file shall be awarded a $1000 gift card, to be shipped to an address of their choosing. Successful exfiltration must be demonstrated and replicated in the presence of an i4 Ops technical team member.

3.2 In the event that no contestant successfully exfiltrates the Silver Snitch file, all participants will retain full access to the i4 Zero Exfil service for the 45-day trial period within their environment.

3.3 Should contestants wish to continue utilizing the product beyond the trial period, additional months may be purchased at a 25% discount for up to 6 months.

4. Contest Procedure

4.1 Registration timeline: December 1-December 19, 2024 or until 50 users have registered, whichever occurs first. To register, please visit i4ops.com/silver-snitch.

4.2 Contestants must schedule a 10-15 minute call with the i4 Ops technical team to obtain credentials for the contest environment. To schedule time for this call, visit https://hubbert.youcanbook.me/

4.3 Contestants are required to have TailScale installed and will be provided with an IP address for entry.

4.4 At a designated time, all contestants will be granted access to the environment and the opportunity to attempt exfiltration of the Silver Snitch file.

5. Feedback and Testimonials

5.1 Contestants are encouraged to provide feedback regarding the product, their experience, and their use case(s). i4 Ops reserves the right to utilize testimonials for marketing purposes.

5.2 If a contestant prefers not to have their name or company shared, i4 Ops will anonymize the user/company information but may retain and use the content of the quote.

5.3 Submission of testimonials will entitle the contestant to an additional month of complimentary usage beyond the 45-day trial period.

6. Legal Requirements

6.1 Prior to deploying the i4 Zero Exfil service in their environment, contestants must sign the End User License Agreement (EULA) and agree to the Commercial Terms of Service contract. 

7. Confidentiality

7.1 Contestants agree not to publicly disclose their experience, or any processes used to exfiltrate data from an i4 Ops environment without obtaining prior written consent from i4 Ops.