responsive design
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super features
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
drag and drop
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
A disruptive cybersecurity solution built for prevention not detection.
Current solutions fail. It’s time for a new approach.
Data breaches have become commonplace yet many are are avoidable.
Whether a breach occurs due to non-credentialed users or credentialed misuse – with the right strategy and solution – most are preventable.
Because of this persistent problem, i4 Ops identified an opportunity to revolutionize Data Security and developed software that can be deployed simply, in minutes not months. It’s a need that has been validated by nearly 200 business leaders, each who agreed having access to such a solution was long overdue.
Through a patented approach to protecting against credential misuse, i4 Ops is the only solution that prevents exfiltration to ensure data is kept in. Connecting external tech talent based anywhere – quickly and securely – i4 Ops creates opportunities to get the most out of the data. From on prem to hybrid or multi-cloud, i4 Ops prevents data breach regardless of credentials.
We believe the solution offers a high probability for acquisition or licensing, and we believe it will become an industry standard approach to preventing data breaches.
Recognize high value reward with low risk .
cost-effective prevention
The i4 Ops solution is designed for prevention, not detection. The result? Companies save time and money, and realize actual protection of data. Other offerings stifle growth and steal value because with them, it’s not if, it’s when a data breach or penetration event occurs.
extended value of data
Available solutions on the market today provide support only after a breach has happened. This keeps companies exposed and vulnerable to attack and limits the potential of the data. The i4 Ops patented solution maximizes innovation capacity. In safeguarding from exfiltration, i4 Ops allows for the data to be put to work.
scalable, simple to deploy & patented
i4 Ops expands its capacity in step with the company’s strategy for data-driven decisions. Operating on a project basis and able to be deployed in minutes, i4 Ops works on the C-suite timeline to offer data breach prevention as soon as resources or projects are added.
The market opportunity, by the numbers
Want to learn more? Schedule a virtual meeting.
Why invest? Across the organization, the reason is clear.
From small to large companies, the i4 Ops solution ensures protection starting at the project level and extends greater capacity as new projects are added, at the ready and in mere minutes.
Scalable and simple to deploy, it’s the most cost-effective solution on the market.
From the CISO to CFO to CEO, all members of the C-suite have a stake in cybersecurity. While the impact of a data breach can range in severity, it’s imperative that company leaders be prepared for prevention, not detection.
Companies looking to optimize the value of data want it protected while allowing full potential to the experts who can guide innovation. The experts working the data need the confidence that they’re also protected as credentialed users.
For those who want to offer more than just a promise that they can be trusted, i4 Ops assures that valuable data is kept secure. Plus, with a cloud-based option, talent from anywhere in the world can be matched with projects best suited to their skill set.
The overdue need for a solution is in the facts.
By the end of 2023, the impact and growth in
credentialed misuse was as follows.
- The investment in cyber security startups was more than $10B, and 50% have a tie to credential management.
- 76% of CISOs expect data loss from insider events increase in next 12 months.
- Info stealing malware grew by more than 266%.
- Stolen identities due to cyber attacks increased by more than 71%.
- The average cost of data breach was $16M.
- Per year, 71% of organizations have 21 or more insider-related security incidents.
- On average, it takes a company at least 11 months to detect and recover from insider breach.
Resources: IBM Cost of Data Breach Report 2023; Code42 2023 Data Exposure Report

A blend of specialized and broad expertise
Data security is a storage problem, not a network problem. This is why we’re proud to have tenured leaders on the team who come from the data storage space, in addition to hardware, software, computing, logistics and consumer sectors.